
Situata nel cuore dell’Italia e sede di una famosa Università per stranieri, Perugia è una città ricca di arte, storia, musica e … “baci”!

Sull’elegante Corso Vannucci si aprono il Collegio del Cambio e quello della Mercanzia, Palazzo Baldeschi, sede di numerose mostre temporanee e la Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, con la sua collezione di dipinti, ceramiche, sculture, tessuti e oggetti di oreficeria.

Fontana Maggiore, una delle massime espressioni della scultura del XIII secolo, fu realizzata alla fine del 1200 come parte terminale dell’acquedotto proveniente dal monte Pacciano.

L’antica Cattedrale di San Lorenzo conserva veri capolavori della pittura, della scultura e dell’oreficeria.

Attraverso l’Arco dei Priori ci si addentra nella parte più medievale di Perugia, mentre Porta Marzia era uno dei principali accessi alla città etrusco-romana.

La storia antica di Perugia si sposa oggi con Umbria Jazz, vero must per gli amanti del jazz, e Eurochocolate, un evento interamente dedicato al cioccolato.

04/22/20107 – 04/25/2017, Bevagna (PG) The wonderful medieval village of Bevagna will turn into a great theater under the starry sky. Art, music, dance, gastronomy and much more will in fact characterize the Medieval Spring, an event that has already acquired its own dimension and thickness. This event promotes day of culture, art and medieval […]

04/22/2017 – 04/25/2017, Perugia (PG) Ortinfiore – The Gardens Festival is the new event dedicated to urban horticulture and gardens of Perugia to be held in the historic April 20 to 23. It will be an opportunity to also talk about power, landscape, ecological architecture but also a means of sharing, exchange, human relations, dissemination […]

04/17/2017 – 04/18/2017, Castiglione del Lago (PG) The orange is the star of the event near Lake Trasimeno which originates from the ancient Feast of Our Lady of the Rose, when farmers were offering young oranges to their lovers in large handkerchiefs. Two days of fun: games in the square, shows that will delight visitors, […]

04/16/2017 – 04/17/2017, Perugia (PG) The Sunday and Easter Monday are represented scenes from the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ. Within the premises of the tavern in the basement of Orca palace, the terziere Borgo Dentro, organizes the Living Pictures. Suggestive reconstruction of the Passion of Christ. Each room is a scene from the […]

04/15/2017 – 04/17/2017, Castiglione del Lago (PG) Easter in the beautiful historic center of the village of Castiglione del Lago, hosting ance this year, as has become customary, the Craft Market, Modernism, Collections and hobby, to be held on 15-16 April 2017. On the day of Easter Monday, April 17, will take place the Flower […]

04/15/2017 – 04/17/2017, Perugia (PG) The Great Easter Fair is the exhibition Easter market will be held in the historic center of Perugia, where they will be exposed to quality artisan food and wine production, the arts and crafts, creativity, craftsmanship. The initiative will be held in the streets of the historic center of Perugia. […]

04/09/2017 – Narni (PG) The Four Corners of the World. The Spring Festival. A walk in the deepest of Narni forest, Cardona Bridge, the geographical center of Italy, in the company of representations of the four elements of the world: water, air, fire and earth. One Sunday afternoon, the magic tone and magic, accompanied by […]

04/08/2107 – 04/09/2017, Marsciano (PG) In the center of Marsciano, the twentieth edition of the Green Fair, one of the most important regional exhibitions on the theme of the nursery which is characterized by the supply of agricultural products, plants and flowers of all kinds. Equipment for agriculture and gardening which is accompanied with the […]

04/08/2017 – 04/09/2017, Scheggino (PG) Gastronomic kermesse celebrating the black truffle, with a stand for the typical products of Valnerina, with games and musical entertainment. Stand and music for two days dedicated to the truffle.

04/06/2017 – 04/09/2017, Castiglione del Lago (PG) It will be a party with free admission, in which you’ll find settings and floral shapes, music, tastings, events and entertainment in various parts of the country and on the shores of Lake Trasimeno. Throughout the period of the festival, opening of taverns, a showcase for the territory […]