
Situata nel cuore dell’Italia e sede di una famosa Università per stranieri, Perugia è una città ricca di arte, storia, musica e … “baci”!

Sull’elegante Corso Vannucci si aprono il Collegio del Cambio e quello della Mercanzia, Palazzo Baldeschi, sede di numerose mostre temporanee e la Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, con la sua collezione di dipinti, ceramiche, sculture, tessuti e oggetti di oreficeria.

Fontana Maggiore, una delle massime espressioni della scultura del XIII secolo, fu realizzata alla fine del 1200 come parte terminale dell’acquedotto proveniente dal monte Pacciano.

L’antica Cattedrale di San Lorenzo conserva veri capolavori della pittura, della scultura e dell’oreficeria.

Attraverso l’Arco dei Priori ci si addentra nella parte più medievale di Perugia, mentre Porta Marzia era uno dei principali accessi alla città etrusco-romana.

La storia antica di Perugia si sposa oggi con Umbria Jazz, vero must per gli amanti del jazz, e Eurochocolate, un evento interamente dedicato al cioccolato.

02/24/2017 – 02/26/2017, Norcia (PG) It’s confirmed for 2017, the Show Black Market Norcia, a tradition that is respected, the 54th edition of an event that made the prized famous local truffle worldwide. The exhibition dedicated to the truffle market will be set up in two marquees of 2000 square meters, with about a hundred exhibitors […]

02/12/2017 – 02/26/2017, Foligno (PG) 56th edition of the Sant’Eraclio Carnival with parades of papier-mâché floats accompanied by hundreds of masks, music, the band, the choreographies of masked groups and dance schools. History tells us that the carnival is a kind of reversal of the normal unfolding of life, everyone can become a carnival, you […]

02/21/2017 – Magione (PG) This is the story of a village that has hurt and sold off at a premium. This is a story that could have been a fairy tale. Catherine inadequate, the non-aligned is crazy about this village. Behind her, edgy but pure and true, a world of mercimoni, fathers computers, sales daughters, […]

02/19/2017  and 02/26/2017 – Spoleto (PG) The Spoleto Carnival this year offers its 189esima edition and never ceases to amaze with its intensive program of initiatives. As usual, the spectacular parades of allegorical floats through the streets of the historic center are planned, accompanied by lots and lots of fun.

01/29/2017 – Norcia (PG) On Mount La Pelosa with snowshoes. Mountains of charm in all seasons, for the lushness of the forests and meadows, for the opening of views, for the wealth of wildlife. Become a fairytale winter landscape, when its valleys are whitening, and the trees are wrapped in white snow, and may hold […]

01/25/2017 – 01/28/2017, Todi (PG) From January 25 to 28 the second edition of the “Rights in Todi – Human Rights International Film Festival” Nine feature films and 13 short films, including three world premieres, three European and Italian, and many side events will enliven the “Rights in Todi – International Human Rights Film Festival” […]

02/01/2017 – 02/02/2017 – Perugia (PG) “This story is about Peter, a boy from the southern province, female born at the foot of Vesuvius, speaks in falsetto, has the wrong body and a passionate soul, influenced by the volcano.” The theater director and playwright Emma Dante in recent years has emerged for a physicality that […]

01/21/2017 – Perugia (PG) Three musicians who for years are recognized in an instinctive vision and emotional music. Every their meeting and ‘an opportunity to meet and tell without artifice. A new stimulus that is born from the desire to Pietropaoli to engage in one of the formations most representative of the history of modern […]

01/27/2017 – Perugia (PG) “Poetic and intense Fresco new Romeo and Juliet signed Davide Bombana looks at the history of Shakespearean emphasizing ties with the tragedies of today. In the background the true story of Admira and Bosko, Romeo and Juliet of Sarajevo, killed while fleeing from war and contrasts between different religions. ” Motivation […]

01/27/2017 – 01/29/2017, Moiano (PG) 2nd edition of A Moiano … Not Only Polenta, given the great success of the first edition. The queen will undoubtedly polenta, even if they can not miss the escargot, dish now established in the local cuisine. The restaurant service and the shows will take place indoors.