
Situata nel cuore dell’Italia e sede di una famosa Università per stranieri, Perugia è una città ricca di arte, storia, musica e … “baci”!

Sull’elegante Corso Vannucci si aprono il Collegio del Cambio e quello della Mercanzia, Palazzo Baldeschi, sede di numerose mostre temporanee e la Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, con la sua collezione di dipinti, ceramiche, sculture, tessuti e oggetti di oreficeria.

Fontana Maggiore, una delle massime espressioni della scultura del XIII secolo, fu realizzata alla fine del 1200 come parte terminale dell’acquedotto proveniente dal monte Pacciano.

L’antica Cattedrale di San Lorenzo conserva veri capolavori della pittura, della scultura e dell’oreficeria.

Attraverso l’Arco dei Priori ci si addentra nella parte più medievale di Perugia, mentre Porta Marzia era uno dei principali accessi alla città etrusco-romana.

La storia antica di Perugia si sposa oggi con Umbria Jazz, vero must per gli amanti del jazz, e Eurochocolate, un evento interamente dedicato al cioccolato.

01/06/2017 – Perugia (PG) La Befana on skates is a real artistic roller skating show with the Italian National Champion; It takes place at Palaevangelisti of Perugia and the organization is managed by ASD Skating Club of Ponte San Giovanni. It ‘a show dedicated to adults and children it promises a magical afternoon of fun; […]

01/06/2017 – Rivotorto (PG) The most famous among the vecchiarelle that accompanied by a large number of goblins descends from the sky paragliding to distribute gifts to all the children waiting in front of the Basilica of Rivotorto. 15:00 – Flight of the Epiphany Hours 8: 00-20: 00 – the Epiphany fair

01/01/2017 – Perugia (PG) Jan. 1, 16:30. Sala dei Notari – Palazzo dei Priori, Piazza IV Novembre 30th edition of the New Year’s Concert of the Philharmonic Academy “V. Puletti” Ponte Felcino. Director Franco Radicchia. Free admission

12/31/2016 – Perugia (PG) In addition to the Funky Train, Free itinerant train animated by DJs, every corner of the acropolis will have its own musical identity: from folk music and dances of Southern Sant’Ercolano in the People’s Workshop at the pop-dance 70s – ‘ 80-90s in Piazza Matteotti, from the repertoire of Italian songwriters […]

12/29/2016 – 12/30/2016, Città della Pieve (PG) The Best Wine Producers hosted in the most beautiful historic buildings in the Umbrian town, more than 20 wineries and local companies will welcome you in the most beautiful historical and architectural frames of Città della Pieve, where they will present their wines that may be tasted accompanied […]

12/31/2016 – Città di Castello (PG) Toasts of good wishes and lots of fun in the main square of the city where for several years young and old gather to celebrate the ‘arrival of the new year, along with a band that animates the evening.

12/25/2016 – 12/26/2016, Marcellano (PG) The living nativity Marcellano located in a gentle slope of the hills on the border between the towns of Gualdo Cattaneo and Giano of Umbria in the province of Perugia, for over 30 years turns into Bethlehem of Umbria. Relive the birth of Christ according to the Gospel accounts not […]

12/08/2016 – 12/18/2016, Assisi (PG) Also this year the Association Assicity with the collaboration and sponsorship of the City of Assisi, with the support of Confcommercio Assisi-Valfabbrica, Assisi and Confartigianato organizes UNPLI The Magic of Christmas in Assisi 6th edition. Every day will be opened on Christmas village with craft stalls and food. different events […]

12/18/2016 – Castiglione del Lago (PG) Umbria Endurance Lifestyle 2016 will offer a sports program at the highest level, and a series of events designed to draw the attention of professionals, sports enthusiasts and horse lovers. Big airport uncontaminated spaces Eleuteri host Pony & Children, event within the event dedicated to the children who together […]

12/10/2016 – 12/18/2016, Collestrada (PG) Along with the exhibition of cribs, in Collestrada will take place the market in the village on 10 – 11 screen or 17 to 18 December in 2016. Saturday from 16:00 to 19:00 and Sunday from 09:30 to 19:30. In an effort to help earthquake victims friends of Norcia.