
Situata nel cuore dell’Italia e sede di una famosa Università per stranieri, Perugia è una città ricca di arte, storia, musica e … “baci”!

Sull’elegante Corso Vannucci si aprono il Collegio del Cambio e quello della Mercanzia, Palazzo Baldeschi, sede di numerose mostre temporanee e la Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, con la sua collezione di dipinti, ceramiche, sculture, tessuti e oggetti di oreficeria.

Fontana Maggiore, una delle massime espressioni della scultura del XIII secolo, fu realizzata alla fine del 1200 come parte terminale dell’acquedotto proveniente dal monte Pacciano.

L’antica Cattedrale di San Lorenzo conserva veri capolavori della pittura, della scultura e dell’oreficeria.

Attraverso l’Arco dei Priori ci si addentra nella parte più medievale di Perugia, mentre Porta Marzia era uno dei principali accessi alla città etrusco-romana.

La storia antica di Perugia si sposa oggi con Umbria Jazz, vero must per gli amanti del jazz, e Eurochocolate, un evento interamente dedicato al cioccolato.

10/21/2016 – 10/23/2016, Città della Pieve (PG) Zafferiamo was created to promote saffron in Città della Pieve where much stronger the culture related to this spice. The three day event will learn and discover all aspects of production and spheres of use of saffron, from the kitchen to the dyeing of fabrics, without neglecting curiosity […]

10/15/2016 – 10/16/2016, Belfiore, Foligno (PG) 3rd edition of Around the World in Belfiore of Foligno, a multi-ethnic music and food festival which literally transformed the alleys and squares of the historic center of the village. From all over the world, music, gastronomy and … costumes!

10/14/2016 – 10/16/2016, Città di Castello (PG) 16th edition of the famous Altrocioccolato event, hosted by the squares and streets of the old town of Città di Castello. The event, promoted by Umbria Fair Trade, aims to go against the logic of the multinationals, through initiatives such as debates, tastings, conferences and exhibitions.

10/14/2016 – 10/22/2016, Perugia (PG) There were many new proposals and initiatives, all … to be enjoyed! #With who? is the slogan chosen for the ventitresima edition of the largest international festival dedicated to chocolate, whose visual portrays a female hand holding a stick of selfies, with a delicious chocolate bar instead of the smartphone. […]

10/12/2016 – 10/16/2016, Perugia (PG) Theater Morlacchi- One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Dale Wasserman that formed the basis of the script of the eponymous Miloš Forman film, starring Jack Nicholson and entered law in the history of cinema. The Maurizio de Giovanni writer has reworked the text without betraying the strength and visionary […]

10/09/2016, Spoleto (PG) Old Town – from 8.00 to 20.00 Antiques, collectibles and crafts. The market is held every second Sunday of the month. It offers different types and quality items, from handicrafts and antiques, to furniture, jewelry, books, paintings.

08/10/2016, Foligno (PG) Organized by the cultural Loved the Piazza Matteotti Centre in Foligno, from sunrise to sunset. Antiques market, crafts and junk. Every second Saturday of the month in the historical center of Foligno.

10/06/2016 – 10/09/2016, Gubbio (PG) The second edition of the Medieval Festival will be held in Gubbio 4 to 9 October in 2016. A unique event of its kind. Ten centuries of history (476-1492) in six days: cultural events, exhibitions, markets, exhibitions and shows in one of the most beautiful medieval towns in Italy

10/07/2016 – 10/09/2016, Citerna (PG) It is an important cultural food and wine festival in the Upper Tiber Valley, in the beautiful village of Citerna. The name of the event comes from a humble container Bisaccia namely that since the Middle Ages it was used to collect truffles; on this occasion the Bisaccia is opened […]

10/07/2016 – 10/09/2016, Foligno (PG) The goal of the festival will be transformed for three days the city of Foligno in the stage of culture to open many striking windows on the world, thanks to national and internationally renowned artists who tell through music, exhibitions (including photos and multimedia) , performative. Foligno, defined always “crossroads […]