
Situata nel cuore dell’Italia e sede di una famosa Università per stranieri, Perugia è una città ricca di arte, storia, musica e … “baci”!

Sull’elegante Corso Vannucci si aprono il Collegio del Cambio e quello della Mercanzia, Palazzo Baldeschi, sede di numerose mostre temporanee e la Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, con la sua collezione di dipinti, ceramiche, sculture, tessuti e oggetti di oreficeria.

Fontana Maggiore, una delle massime espressioni della scultura del XIII secolo, fu realizzata alla fine del 1200 come parte terminale dell’acquedotto proveniente dal monte Pacciano.

L’antica Cattedrale di San Lorenzo conserva veri capolavori della pittura, della scultura e dell’oreficeria.

Attraverso l’Arco dei Priori ci si addentra nella parte più medievale di Perugia, mentre Porta Marzia era uno dei principali accessi alla città etrusco-romana.

La storia antica di Perugia si sposa oggi con Umbria Jazz, vero must per gli amanti del jazz, e Eurochocolate, un evento interamente dedicato al cioccolato.

05/15/2016, Gubbio (PG) The race takes place on the eve of the feast of the patron Saint Ubaldo, and has age-old traditions: in fact dates back to 1160 and has never been interrupted. The candles, three enormous wooden structure in the shape of overlapping prisms, weigh about four tons, is more than four meters high […]

05/06/2016 – 05/08/2016, Perugia (PG) The Perugina Cup is a historical re-enactment of old cars. As well as being a spectacular parade of the most beautiful historic cars, the event represents a unique moment for the province and for the city of Perugia, offering a real touring car museum. They can be recorded at up […]

05/14/2016 – 05/15/2016, Perugia (PG) Perugia Comics is a real festival dedicated to the world of Italian comics and internationally. The event takes the important path taken by Umbria Comics from 1993 to 2000, eight editions that have allowed to admire the art of the great masters and the talent of young designers.

05/08/2016 – Perugia (PG) The Grifonissima is a historic foot race through the streets of Perugia, which reaches its 36th edition and represent also one of the most important appointments of the Italian road racing. Two paths: a free walk (3 km) or racing (11 km). The meeting is scheduled at 8.30 am in Piazza IV […]

05/01/2016, Sellano (PG) A feast for enhancing herbs, in the uses and applications, from the Middle Ages to the present day, with lectures, discussions and tastings of typical folk tradition Sellanese. Much information and many ideas to learn to cook in a particular way with nettles, mallow, lupari, wild salads, tarasacco, mastrici and more. The […]

04/23/2016 – 05/01/2016, Bastia Umbra (PG) Galleries selected, rare and precious objects, atmosphere of times: from April 23 to May 1 returns “Assisi Antiques”, a traditional event for all lovers of ancient art. Even the XLIV edition of the prestigious national exhibition market was born inside the Sacred Convent will take place in the halls […]

04/29/2016 – 05/01/2016, Sant’Anatolia di Narco (PG) Twelfth edition of the exhibition-the floriculture market with quality and gardening, SPRING IN VALNERINA. The fair will take place at the medieval complex of the Abbey of San Felice in Val di Narco, in Localities Castel S. Felice, about 5 min. the SS Flaminia, in the immediate vicinity […]

04/29/2016 – 05/01/2016, Gualdo Tadino (PG) For the past thousand years, every April 30, the residents of San Pellegrino, in memory of the dead pilgrim and his miraculously flowering staff, after having beaten and transported to the village the largest poplar in the area, the hoist using ropes and ladders

04/29/2016 – 05/01/2016, Bevagna (PG) Cibi dal Mondo is an event that tells the history and culture of peoples through their flavors, the kitchen, the smells of spices and beverages. A story to tell how long the world, from Columbus to the Americas hot dogs, from spices brought from Marco Polo to the Cantonese cuisine in […]

04/23/2016 – 05/01/2016, Città di Castello (PG) The descent by canoe is led by experienced kayakers and consists of daily stages of 20-30 km. And ‘obligatory, under penalty of exclusion from the event, follow the safety instructions given by the organizers. To participate you must book. Stay with own material, tent or camper, covered facilities […]